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Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Scripture and Maha Rishi


Hindu scriptures called the Vedas. The word Veda is derived from the Sanskrit root word "Wid" evolved into the Vedic or WIDYA which means knowledge. As the Vedic scriptures implies the set of pure science that comes from Wasa, Sang Hyang Widhi received or heard by the Supreme sage in a state of samadhi. Therefore also called Sruti which means holy word is heard (revelation). So the Veda is the set of revelations of God.

Vedas Sruti:

Veda Veda Sruti is revelation in the form of the set (Sruti), called also Veda Samhita consists of:

No. Compiled by Group Name
1 Rig Veda Maha Rishi Veda Pulaha Chess
2 Yajur Veda, Rishi Maha Waisampayana
Sama Veda 3 Maha Rishi Jaimini.
4 Atharwa Maha Rishi Veda Sumantu.

5 Bhagavad-Gita Maha Rishi Vyasa. Pancamo Vedas.

Smriti Vedas:

Smriti Vedas are Sruti interpretation of the Vedas, compiled with the intention of learning easier, consisting of two groups:

No. Book It Group
1 Punishment science of phonetics Vedanga
2 Wyakarana grammar
3 Chanda knowledge of the song
4 Nirukta knowledge of synonyms and acronyms
5 Jyotisa astronomy
6 Kalpa of ritual

1-story Itihasa epic story (epic) consists of the Mahabharata and Ramayana Upaweda
Purana 2-story set of stories (like history) about certain events and about the tradition.
3 Arthasastra knowledge of the government.
4 Ayurveda medicine.
5 Gandarwa Vedic science of art
6 Sarasamuçcaya and Slokantara about ethics and deontology.

Receipt / Maha Rishi

Rishi is a person who for his efforts to samadhi yoga initiation, has a purity, chosen by God, can connect with God, so with his power to see things past, present, and future, and can receive revelation (Sruti ). Receipt term was not synonymous with the Reverend, but sometimes means the same, as there is in some areas. To distinguish the notion sage as sage as Pastor and Prophet, the Maha Rishi dipakailah term to express sage as a prophet.

Swayambhu Bharadwaja Wrhaspati Krtyaya Sandhyaya
Gotama Wasistha Tridhatu Agastya Wajrasrawa
Grtsamada Dharma Kanwa Trinawindhu Aryadatta
USANA Narayana Somayana Vishvamitra Parashara
Prajapati Warmadewa Vyasa Tryaguna Rutsa
Dhananjaya Hiranyagarbha Atri Sakri


Iconography is the embodiment of Sang Hyang Widhi down to earth to rescue work, especially when the dharma under challenge and moments of rampant adharma started. The difference with the Maha Rishi is that avatars are the embodiment of Hyang Widhi down to earth, while Maha Rishi is the man chosen because it can increase his soul to perfection so as to receive revelation. In the Vishnu Purana known ten manifestations Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in saving the world is:


Hyang Widhi Wasa (God) is down to earth form:
1 Matsya Avatara vast Fish
Kurma Avatara 2
Turtle (turtle) giant Rhino
3 Varaha Avatara Great Avatars
4 Narasingha human-headed lion, killing the King Hirania Kasipu as Adharma figures at that time.
Vamana Avatara 5 Little Person who killed King Bali as Adharma figures.
Avatars 6 Pandita Rama Parasu always carry an ax, gave awareness to the knights to control the Dharma or the leadership as well as possible.
7 Rama Avatara King Dasaratha's son, in order to defend against dharma adharma led by Ravana who terbasmi troops.
8 Krisna Avatara as King's son with the goddess Devaki Wasudewa destroy King Kangsa and Jarasandha adharma groups at that time.
9 Buddhist Iconography as King's son with the goddess Maya Sudodana duty of mankind to realize, to be free from suffering through the middle of the eight discs (life cycle).
10 Kalki Avatara. white horsemen with drawn swords, and will eradicate adharma creature. Iconography is a to-10,
According to our belief that he would come later when adharma was really rampant.


Greetings and Hindu Religious Symbol

Hinduism Greetings

To foster a harmonious relationship and strengthen the sense of brotherhood in the community association, Hinduism teaches brotherly greetings (panganjali) with the word "OM SWASTYASTU". This greeting can also be used in the start and end an activity. In the end something special activities can also use the "OM SANTI, SANTI, SANTI, OM," which means hopefully peaceful.

At the time greeting, hands in front of the chest included with your fingertips pointing up, but if things are not possible, this attitude can not be done. Who received greetings should give an answer with the word "OM SWASTYASTU" with the same attitude.

"OM" means the Lord, "SU" means well, "ASTI" means no and "Astu" means, hopefully, so the overall mean GOOD WELCOME TO THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY. In this way, the operations have been conducted each pray a prayer with each other.

Hinduism Symbol

Emblem or symbol of religious belief is a means of binding his people to be more closer to the hearts and feelings ideals of religious life, also called Niyasa or Murti Puja. Agama Hindu Swastika as a symbol to use.

The original form of the Swastika is a symbol of two vertical and horizontal lines crossed each side, perpendicular in the middle (+).

As a cultural art creations that are always growing, Swastika is also experiencing growth so that later became so shaped.

Swastika describes the rotation harmony of the universe with all the romance, the dynamics and dialectics. It basically shows where kemahabesaran Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as Creator. The word Swastika means safety or welfare. Vertical line shows the harmony of human relationships with his creator is Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, while the horizontal line shows the harmony of human relationships with others, including the human relationship with nature.

If the human relationship with the creator and the human relationship with the environment harmoniously interwoven with, the people will get the safety and welfare. Safety and welfare is the essence of religious purpose. The fourth line in the ends of the vertical and horizontal lines indicate the direction of rotation of Swastika, which is turning to the right. So Swastika also describes the motion, the motion of the universe that rotates to the right. Essentially all natural contents as well as having the wind velocity, water, etc., to create harmony in nature.




The word "religion" that is used by Hindus in life berketuhanan Almighty comes from the Sanskrit root word "image" which means "go" or "travel". Uric word "gam" is a prefix "a" which means "no" and added "a" in the back, which means "something" or to function as a suffix in Sanskrit in order to change the verbs into adjectives. Thus the word religion means "something that does not go", no change or permanent, lasting (eternal). That never changes or it is eternal God and his teachings. As a term and then the word religion has a sense of the rules or the teachings that come from Almighty God (Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa) is derived in the form of revelation (Sruti) through the Prophet (Maha Rishi) to organize the universe and its contents both in spiritual life and physical life.


The word "Dharma" is derived from the Sanskrit root word "dhr" (read: dri) which means carrying, holding, maintaining, managing, or guiding. The root of the word "dhr" This later evolved into the word dharma which means laws that govern and maintain the universe and everything in it. In connection with the circulation of the universe, the word dharma can also mean nature. Whereas in human life, dharma can mean teaching, obligations or sacred rules that maintain and lead men to achieve the perfection of life and behavior of noble character.

Smriti Library Parwa 109.11 Santi: That means:
Dharanad dharma dharma ityahur word is said to come from the word Dharana (which means holding, hold, or set).
Dharmena dharma widrtah prajah With all beings governed

Hinduism as a religion

Hindu term used now as the name of religion is generally not known in classical times. Hundreds of years before the year AD, adherents of Vedic scriptural teachings flourish and thrive in society, so the experts mentioned the name of religion of the Vedas or Vedic Age.

Then the Hindus used the name by taking the name of the place where the religion began to grow, ie around Sind or Indus river. Sindu said this was later changed to the Hindu word for the law affected by metathesis in Sanskrit in which the use of the letter "s" and "h" can be interchangeable, for example, the word "Soma" can be said Homa, the word "Satima" can be Hatima , and so on.

Sindu said the Hindu or Sanskrit is considered Masculine noun, which means the water points, river, sea, or ocean. Water symbolizes water Amrita defined eternal life, used in religious ceremonies in the form of Hindu Tirtha (holy water).

The term religion with a sense of the term dharma is difficult to distinguish, then in relation to the name of Hinduism is often called the Hindu Dharma, even more common in India this name is used.

Hindu Destination

In the Vedic scriptures explained the purpose of religion as stated in the verse "YES MOKSARTHAM CA JAGADHITA ITI DHARMAH" which means that the goal of religion or dharma is to achieve and moksa jagadhita. Moksha also called Mukti means achieving freedom or also known jiwatman achieve lasting spiritual happiness in the hereafter. Jagadhita also called bhukti prosperity and happiness of every person, society, or country.

So roughly the Hindu goal is to deliver his people in achieving prosperity in this world and achieve the happiness moksa in the Hereafter.


Belief in the Teachings Lontar in Bali

a. Lord Shiva source of all.
In ejection Bhuwanakosa said that all that exists comes from the Lord Shiva and will return to Him, too. Thus Lord Shiva is the source of all that exists, as well as the Brahman in the Upanishads.

(Bhuwanakosa III, 82).
Yatottamam iti sarvve, vva tatva liyate universe, yatha sambhavate sarvvam, liyate bhavati tatra. Kabeh Sakwehning universe, mijil sangkeng If Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva lina ya ring.

All the world emerged from Lord Shiva, gone back to Lord Shiva, too.
Everything that comes from Lord Shiva's virtual nature, it is not true and is a world phenomenon, the world seemed to gajala temporarily. Seems like a shadow on the mirror, which seemed to be there but did not actually exist, and that there really were behind the shadows. As for the secret behind this world, which is lasting, Lord Shiva is the joint

Bhuwanakosa further stated as follows:

(Bhuwanakosa III, 81).
Rupam craving Mayamatram universe sthavara jangamarn, sarve sive Sivatma tatva bhavate wa liyate
kabeh lkang universe, sthavara janggama-waknya, virtual swabhawanya, Lord Shiva sahanannya way, ikang rat kabeh, i sira wekasan lina mare.

. All of this world, plants, animals his form, a virtual character, the form of Lord Shiva is everything, all the world is at last gone to his

(Bhuwanakosa III, 71).
Tatvani sanharet bhuyah liyante tatvake extinct, salilan eka sarvve tat, vuvudhah yatha drstopi, Mangkana pwa Lord Shiva, irikang Tattwa kabeh, ri ri wekasan sira muwah lina, nihan drstopamanya, kadyang-ganing wereh single makweh wijilnya So yes sakeng wway Lord Shiva, the all Tattwa, eventually back into itself. eg foam much like the appearance (but real) single from the water. And the description quoted above all there was this experience emerged, making it and cancel. In this context that Lord Shiva is considered as the Creator, Preserver and Pemralina all there.

Bhuwanakosa III, 78).
Srjayate Brahma lokam visnave Palaka sthitam, rudretvesangharas Ceva, eva ca trimurtih name. Lwir Lord Shiva magawe universe, Brahma form of interpretation panrsti universe, Vishnu way pangraksa interpretation ng universe, Rudra rupanira mralayaken rat, arrest three tawak Niran. Bheda names like Lord Shiva created the world.

Brahma created the world his form this time.
Vishnu time keeping his form this world.
His Rudra form of this world mempralina time
Thus the three forms of His (Trinity) just different names.

b. Lord Shiva is immanent and trancendent.
Belief in the teachings contained in Tattwa lontar above, azasnya based on Vedas and Upanishads, as explained above. If the Vedas God called Tat and called Brahman in the Upanishads in lontar that God called Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva is immanent and trancendent. Immanent means that he was present everywhere, whereas trancendent means that he overcome the mind and the human indriya. This clearly noodles with the following verse:

(Bhuwanakosa II, 16).
Sivas sarvagata suksmah, bhutanam antariksavat, acintya mahagrhayante, naindriyam parigrhyante. Lord Shiva wyapaka sira, sira suksma kneng tan angen-angen, sira kadyangganing akasa, tan kagrhita manah mwang indriya dening. Lord Shiva pervades everything, he could not think of magic, such as angkasalah He, beyond the reach of mind and indriya

Based on the above quotation sounds clearly said that Lord Siva pervades everything, that he was present at all, present everywhere (immanent), is also present in the human mind and indriya. But also beyond the reach of mind and indriya itself. This means that he has overcome the mind and indriya itself (trancendent).
Lord Shiva is also impersonal (personal) and impersonal (impersonal). In the personal aspect, he is the father (legitimate tape), Mom (legitimate Matah), Brother (legal partner), Family (valid vanduh), Teacher (legal Thunder) and so on. Whereas in the impersonal aspect, he is not unthinkable (acintya), has no beginning. middle and end (anadi madhyantan). infinite (amita). no-body (agatram) and so on

c. Lord Shiva is the One God, is everywhere with the names of different

As well as the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads clearly state the Lord is One, so also is expressed in Tattwa lontar in Bali. Consider the quote below:

(Jnanasiddhanta: 122)
Sa eko Bhagawan Sarvah
Aneka viditah Sarvah
Caturvidhasya karanam.

Ekatvanekalva swalaksana Lord. Ekatwa ngaranya. kahidep then laksanang Siwatwa. Single Ndan. tan rwa-three kehidepannia. Shiva-karana Mangekalaksana also, paprabheda tan. Aneka ngaranya kahidepan like caturdha the Lord. Caturdha ngaranya, like sthula-suksma Niran-parasunya

He, Shiva is the Holy One, the cause of Shiva as the First Cause; Shiva is also viewed as more than one, because his work is four. The characteristics of Shiva is the One. Esa means that of reason to be perceived as something that is characteristic of the true nature of Shiva (Shiva-tat-TWA). And he is seen as the One God (Eka), not two or three. The only feature is the cause of Shiva (Shiva-karana) alone, without a difference. Various means that he is seen as characterized by four. Characterized by four means: sthula, suksma, the and sunya. Lord Shiva is the One in terms of a Hyangnya things have names that differ, among other things:

(Bhuwanakosa, III. 9)
Prthivya sarvva ekayam.
salile bhava samsmrtah,
Agno Pasupati jneyam,
bayva isanam eva ca.

Nihan wibhaga Lord rikang tatva munggwing kabeh, sarwajna ngaranira, which umandel ing prthiwi, Bhawa ing ngaranira Toya umandel yan, yan umandel Pasupati ing ngaranira Trance Agni, ngaranira yan Isana bayu umandel ing.

Here are details on all the Lord Tattwa, Sarwajna name when positioned on the ground. Bhawa name when in the water, Pasupati name when positioned on the fire, when Isana name is on the wind

(Bhuwanakosa, III, 10).
Akase Bhagavan bhimah,
mahadevopi manasi,
ugroyah ca matrasthe tan,
tejase Rudra ucyate.

Bhima ngaranira yan heneng akasa, dening kinahanan asta ta sira order, Mahadeva ngaranira manah haneng yan, tan pawak, Ugra ngaranira yan tan haneng five dimensions, Rudra haneng sratumarga ngaranira yan, makuwak ahangkara

Bhima name when positioned in space, filled with He by asta-order, Mahadeva name when positioned in the mind, Ugra name when positioned on the five dimensions tan, Rudra name when positioned on the light bodied ahangkara.
Thus the names of Lord Shiva's singles while he was in college bhuta panca, five tan dimensions, manah and ahangkara.

While the names of Lord Shiva when positioned at the corners of this world are as follows:
1. Trance Iswara in the East
2. Trance Maheswara in Southeast
3. Trance Brahma in the South
4. Trance Rudra in Southwest
5. Trance Mahadeva in the West
6. Trance Sangkara in the West Sea
7. Trance Vishnu in the North
8. Trance Sambhu in the Northeast
9. Trance Shiva in the Middle

The ninth embodiment of Lord Shiva is called Dewata Nawasanga. Iswara Trance, Trance Brahma, Mahadeva Trance, Trance and Trance Dance Shiva Vishnu called Panca Dewata. In this Nawasanga Gods Lord Shiva in the Middle as the core. center all the gods. all the existing center.

In addition to these names there are also the names of Lord Shiva in the aspect as Panca Brahma. namely:
1. Sadyajata in the East, or the wijaksara Sa
2. Bamadewa in the South with Ba or wijaksara Bang
3. Tatpurusa in the West with Ta or wijaksara Tang
4. Aghora in the North with A or Ang wijaksara
5. Middle the Isana in wijaksara I or Ing.

Wijaksara-wijaksara Sa, Ba, Ta, A, I or the, Bang. Tang, Ang, Ing called Panca Brahmaksara, Wijaksara is very often used in the puja-puja in Bali.
Thus, among others the names of Lord Shiva is of course still many other name.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Lontars

Type of Lontar

The main points of doctrine contained in the Lordship of the sacred Vedic literature and Upanishads as described above was written back into the lontar in Bali with a Balinese script. -Archipelago Sanskrit, Old Javanese and Balinese.

Lontar stored and maintained in Bali in a considerable number, scattered in various places. These places such as in: Gedong Kirtya Singaraja. Library Universitas Udayana Denpasar, Hindu Dharma University Library Denpasar, Denpasar Dwijendra University Library, Office of Cultural Documentation Center Bali Bali Province and others. In addition, not a bit too lontar were stored in individual homes that are inherited from generation to generation, as a private library.

Its contents include a variety of things related to Hindu Religion and Culture in Bali. Prior to the source lontar Lordship teaching philosophy itself is also worthy of note some of the lontar, including the following:

1 Lontar-ejection of the puja.
Palm grip contains the Sulinggih puja at the time of worship and "muput" religious ceremony. This lontar use Sanskrit islands. Some of them are:

* Wedapankrama
* Suryasewana
* Arghapatra
* Puja ksatrya
* Puja-mamukur
* Kajang-Pitra-puja

2 Lontar-ejection of Yajna.
Lontar many true type. Generally contains general instructions for yajna ceremony, either on the types or sesajennya banten, equipment and so on. Here is an example of a palm in question:

* Gods-tatwa
* Sundarigama
* Wrhaspatikalpa
* Yamapurwana tatwa
* Kramaning madiksa
* Dharma-Koripan
* Janam-prakerti
* Anggastiaprana
* Sri Purana
* Tatwa-Siwa-Purana.

Palmyra Wariga
Other lontar closely associated with the ejection of this Yajna is lontar Wariga, such as:

* Wariga Gemet
* Wariga Krimping
* Wariga
* Wariga Parerasian
* Wariga Palalawangan
* Purwaka Wariga.

Ethics lontar
It is a doctrine of ethics, virtue and guidance to become a "Sadhu" is wise and prudent, virtuous, and noble-hearted impersonal sacred. Which include palm species, among others:

* Sarasamusccaya
* Slokantara
* Agastiaparwa
* Siwasasana
* Wratisasana
* Silakrama
* Pancasiksa

Tattwa lontar

Lontar this type containing the teachings of the Godhead, in addition also includes the doctrine of the universe penjadian, teaching Yoga, ajaraa of "redemption" and so on. Most of the palm - this is Siwaistis ejection. Some of them are:

* Bhuwana vocabulary
* Ganapatitatwa
* Jnanasiddhanta
* Bhuwana sangksepa
* Trance Mahajnana
* Tatwajnana
* Wrhaspati-Tattwa


The Upanishads

The number of Upanishads

After the Vedic scriptures are Brahmins and books Upanishads as sacred scriptures of Hinduism. The books Brahmana and Upanishad books are part of the Vedic scriptures. Each Veda has a Brahmin scriptures and Upanishads its own.
One of the famous book of Brahmin Brahmin Satapatha is part of the book in Yajur Veda. The book is expected of people started there were about 1000 years before Christ and is a guide book for the ceremony. Basically, this book describes the ritual system every detail and thus more related to the implementation of the outer forms of religious life than the spiritual life.

Upanishad scriptures predicted appear after Brahmana books that is about 800 years before Christ. The amount is very much, more than 200 titles, but Muktika Upanishad explains the number 108 fruit and many of them come from the era that is not too old. Upanishad Upanishad-old and important is:

* Isa Upanishad
* Kena Upanishad
* Katha Upanishad
* Prasna Upanishad
* Mundaka Upanishad
* Mandukya Upanishad
* Taittiriya Upanishad
* Aitareya Upanishad
* Chandogya Upanishad
* Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
* Kausitaki Upanishad
* Maitrayaniya Upanishad and ....
* Shvetashvatara Upanishad.

The word Upanishad means sitting down near the teacher. The word is closely connected with the group sakhas who study the Vedas. In it sat a few sakhas selected students (selected on the basis of loyalty and honesty to the teacher) under around a teacher. What-what is taught by the teacher then collected into books Upanishad. Because many sakhas Itupun the Upanishads there are many in number.

Belief in the teachings of Upanishad

Seed Upanishad teachings are the teachings of the Vedas Nasadiya Sukta In one part of the famous Vedas say that there is only God and beyond him was not anything else.

Rsi Paramesti: Bhavasrattam gods; Tristubh matrix X. I I. 129.
Mantram translations:
a. No sad salty Nasad ASIT tadanim nisid rajo
vyama no part yat, kim avarivah kuha kasya
kim Sarman gahanam gabhiram acid. At that time no one was not there or there. At that time there was no world, no sky and there was no one above it. What is covered and where? Airkah there, the unexpected water inside?

b. Amrtam acid mrtyur na na alma ratrya ASIT
praketah. anid avatam svadhaya tad ekam
severe tasmad dhanyan kim na canasa. At that time there was no death, there was also no life. There is no sign indicating the afternoon. and night. The One bernfas without breath by its own strength. Outside there He was not anything.

c. Tama ASIT tamasa gulham Agree praketam
idam salilam sarvam a tuchyenabhv apihitam
yad tapasas ASIT mahina jayataikam tan. In the first first covered by the dark shadows. All of that is this is infinity that can not be distinguished. That no time was just emptiness and that no form. With a thermal power remarkable unity born empty.

d. Kamas tad sam avartatadhi manaso Agree
ASIT retah yad prathaman, sato bandhum
Avin and asati non hrdi pratisya kavayo Manisa. In awalmulanya, after that, which is the desire timbulah seed spirit. The Rsi after meditating in his heart with wisdom found the relationship between what is and what is not there.

e. Tirascino vitato rasmir mohamad adhah
upari svid acid svid ASIT, rethoda
mahimana Asan Asan svadha avastat
prayatih parastat. Light stretched out, if he crossed, whether he's under or above. Some become pencurah seed, others very good. Food is a low seed, seed-eating is superior.

f. Ko veda ka iha addha pre vocat kuta
ajata kuta iyam visrstih, arvag deva
asya visarjanenatha ko veda ababhuva Yata. Who really knows?
Who in this world can explain it?
And does this penjadian, and where the emergence of?
The gods exist after this penjadian.
Then who knows, and where he appears?

g. Iyam visrstir yadi ababhuva Yata vadadhe
yadi va na, yo asyadhyaksah parameters vyoman
Anga so veda yadi va na veda. He, who from this penjadian him that formed it arises or may not. He is watching this nature in the highest heavens, he actually knows or perhaps do not know.

Tad ekam the same as the One Brahman or Atman in the Upanishads. It's basic teachings of the Upanishads is Brahman and Atman. Brahman is the first principle insofar as it is contained in the universe, and the atman as far as he is known as a person in human beings. In this connection, we can take part Chandogya Upanishad III. 1 is a basic single view cover this, namely:

Mantram translations:
idam brahma sarvarn khalu this all really is Brahman.

and the III. 14. The same Upanishad 3:
ma esa atma Brahman is hrdaye between atman within us.

Another example is provided by the story in Brihadaranyaka Gargya unsuccessful Upanishad gives limits of Brahman and he finally got an explanation of the atman to explain the Brahman of a king.

If for this purpose we hold fast to the principle of Brahman as the difference of the universe with the atman as a spiritual principle, the basic idea of all the teachings of Upanishad philosophy can we express a simple equation.:

Brahman = Atman

Brahman, which displays the power to us din membenda on all things that happened, that create, support, maintain and receive back the entire universe into himself, and the sacred power of eternal infinite atman is the same as that when we leave by releasing all forms of skin outside, we'll get in the din of our own as the most essential nature, our personal, our souls. Equality of Brahman and atman will this rokh between God and individuals, is the fundamental view on all the Upanishad teachings. This has given a great speech:
Mantram translations:
tat tvam asi is that you

in Chandogva Upanishad VI. 8. 7
Mantram translations:

aham brahma asmi
I am a Brahman

in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1. 4. 10:
Mantram translations:
sikyam atma brahma Brahma and Atman unity is the basic teaching of Vedanta.

The Vedas

When did the Vedas Start There?

Vedas are the sacred books of Hinduism are the oldest. When the book begins there is not known with certainty. Opinions of various scholars about this. Some say this book began there in 1200 BC, some say 2400 BC. There is also the other opinion.

The ancient Hindus seldom left the notes historical value. Accepted Vedic people through word of mouth from generation to generation from the past that are not known. Writing of the Vedas with Devanagari letter is from a much later period. People believe that the scriptures are taught by God to the Rsi. So he was not made by man. From the teachings of the Vedic Hindu religion is flowing. The soul is the soul of the Hindu Vedic teachings. Although many changes have occurred, the Vedic teachings soul never stops transmitting it's light.

4 Vedas Samhita

There are four Vedic scriptures are:

* Rg Veda
* Sama Veda
* Yajur Veda and ...
* Atharva Veda.

All four were called Chess Samhita, the four sets of Vedas. All four of these Vedalah Rg which contains the oldest singing idol. Vedas do not have the same value in itself, because most of the singing-singing taken from the Rg Veda is sung with melodies that have been set. Yayur Veda mantram also contains Rg-Veda mantram which combined with prose-prose that is not derived from the Rg Veda. If mantram-Rg Veda mantram usually grouped in agreement with the gods worshiped, then the mantram-Sama Veda mantram grouped according to place and their use in offerings Yajur Veda Soma and its use in accordance with various ceremonies. Atharwa Veda has a somewhat different nature from the above three Vedas. Atharva Veda mantram-mantram contain magic that comes from an unknown period.

Belief in the teachings of the Vedas

Veda Mantram-mantram is idol songs addressed to the gods. The gods sought to be willing to listen to the songs devotees generally contain a request to the gods in paddling menganugrahkan kerahayuan live in this world. The songs were composed in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India.

The gods were worshiped many. Which is often praised, among others are: Agni (god of fire), Surya (sun god), Usas (god of the dawn), Prthivi (god of earth), Dyaus (god of the sky), Partner (god of daylight and bright sky), Varuna (the god of the dark sky and dusk), Maruts (the storm god) Vayu (wind god), Savitr (god of the sun in the morning) and the others again.

Of the names that the gods were the personification of the forces behind the invisible forces of nature. The forces of nature and what is it subject to the RTA, which orderliness of the universe. Because what is in harmony with one another, the RTA's control should be one. Thus Varuna is rtavan, control of the RTA is the One.

Will the doctrine that God One of the scattered in-mantram Vedic mantram. Some of them are as follows:

Visva Sumeta Divo ojasa patim
ya eka atihir jananam en bur,
purvyo nutanamo sa aji gisan
tam anu vartanir en eka vavrta

(Same Veda, 327)

Let's come together, you all, with a strong spirit of the Lord of Heaven.
He is only One God, guests of all people.
He who wants to back a new ancient. In whom all roads perpaling, Verily He is the One alone.

Nah yo yo janita ribbon nidhata,
bhuvanani Visva dhanani veda,
yo devanam namadha eka eva,
tam samprasnam bhuvana yantyanya

(Rg Veda X. 83. 3).

Oh, our Father, our Creator, our manager knows all the circumstances, all of what happened,
He is the One alone bear the name of various gods.
To whom others looked for a wonder.

Indram mitram varunam
agnim ahur atho divyah
Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadantyagnim yarnam eye risvanam ahuh

(Rg Veda 1.164.46).
They call Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and he is bright, the beautiful winged Garutman, One Truth (God) the wise call by many names such as Agni, Yama, Matarisavan.

Evagnis Tad tad adityas
u vayus tad tad candramah,
Sukra tad tad eva brahma
apan ta sa prajapatih

(Yajur Veda 32.1).
Agni is That, Aditya is That,
Vayu is That, Candrama is That,
Light is That, Brahman is That,
Apah is That, Prajapatilah He.

The One God is revered people in different ways, in different places and in various aspects and manifestations. The gods are aspects of One God.